Get in on the Special Program Advertisement Offer!

Drivers of all classes,

We wanted to take the time to thank all of you for your continued support throughout the years. Along with that we wanted to extend our gratitude to all of your sponsors and supporters. If it were not for them, racing and events at the track would be more expensive.

This year we would like to extend a special program advertisement offer. This offer is a way for you to thank your sponsors and race crew. These ads would be quarter pages in the 2016 official souvenir program. This is another opportunity for you to publicly announce your appreciation to your sponsors and contributors. When looking for new sponsors you can use this ad as a tool to gain more sponsors. We sell about 2500 programs a year.

These ads would cost a driver $65.00 and will include a pit pass for you to give to a sponsor of your choice. These ads are not limited to a specific class. We encourage all drivers to think about this opportunity for their sponsors. Ads and payment will need to be submitted by March 20th, 2016.

If you have any questions or have anyone that would like to sponsor or advertise at the track you may reach Tiffany at (815) 895-5454 or Brett at (815) 901-5142 or email them.

Thank you for your consideration,
Sycamore Speedway Management

*Click here for the full list of program advertising rates and track advertising/sponsorship rates.